Thursday, January 29, 2015

Thursday, January 29th 2015

Today was a particularly warm day despite being the month of January. Compared to last semester the entire winter thus far has been surprisingly decent. Aside from one or two days of gut wrenching cold this winter, I am not so fearful for the remainder of the season. By that I mean, I am confident in saying this winter will not match the same kind of cold that we experienced last year in Eau Claire.

Today was fairly gloomy with only small patches of blue sky covered primarily with a hazy blanket of clouds that lingered throughout the day. Mild winds blew primarily from the south which kept this January day just around freezing temperatures. Even though there was substantial cloud cover in the sky and the temperature was warm enough there was no significant evidence of any kind of precipitation today.

Tomorrow will most likely be colder considering the wind direction is changing, and we will experience winds coming from the north. This will make tomorrows temperature much colder, and will probably result in less chance in precipitation.

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