Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Wednesday, February 11th 2015

Temperature: 20
Real Feel: 13
Wind: WNW 5 mph
Precipitation: 20%
Humidity: 57%

I regret to report that my predictions from yesterday were quite wrong. I had assumed that after the moderate snow fall we had yesterday would end in late evening and not continue throughout the night and into today. I had predicted that the low pressure system that was influencing the snow fall would die out and things would clear up.

Low Pressure System Has Past Causing Current
Conditions to Clear Up
Today started out looking like a miserable snowy day. The north winds were fairly strong, greatly affecting the temperatures and blowing falling snow all around. What started off as the beginning to mild blizzard type weather slowly died out towards the beginning of the afternoon. Now that the snow has stopped and the cloud over dispersed it has turned out to be a bright sunny day. The wind has died down and there is a solid blue sky. The temperatures are still  below freezing, roughly 20 degrees. Now that the low pressure system has moved to the east of Eau Claire we most likely wont experience any more snow.

Now that the low pressure system has passed the skies have significantly cleared up and the next couple days will consist of bright sunny skies. Although this is good news, the northern winds will cause the temperature to decrease. Fortunately if a high pressure system moves through, winds will be very calm not making temperatures feel worse than what they are.

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