Friday, February 20, 2015

Snow, Snow, and More Snow

Temperature: 18
Real Feel: 8
Wind: S 12 mph
Precipitation: 100%
Humidity: 68%

Temperatures did not increase as much as I had predicted, however they did slightly go up but yet still significantly below freezing. I was also right in predicted light snow showers for today. Because of the slightly warmer temperatures, and a change in pressure we got a few snow flurries despite the little bit of water vapor that was in the air.
Steady Snow Fall in Eau Claire
For most of the day, the skies were covered in a hazy gray cloud cover. In addition to clouds there was a steady but light snow fall throughout the day. Winds were still fairly strong, making it feel much, however it changed directions and is now coming from the south. The change in direction has helped the temperature increase, by bring in tropical continental air from the south.

If the winds maintain their direction and continue to bring in that warm air, it can be expected that temperatures will slowly increase within the next few days. I am hopeful to start seeing and feeling temperatures above the negatives. Not only do i anticipate higher temperatures I don't expect to receive any snow tomorrow after the snow fall from today

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