Thursday, March 5, 2015

Things are Looking Up!

Temperature: 8
Real Feel: -5
Wind: WSW 9 mph 
Precipitation: 0%
Humidity: 42%

The warm I had mentioned yesterday is not quite here yet, however I know that it is coming. I am hoping today will be the last cold day before temperatures begin to increase for spring like weather next week. Hopefully once they rise, temperatures will stay above freezing.

US Current Surface Map
Warm Front to the West. Hope for the Best!
Today is yet another deceiving clear sunny day, making weather condtions appear much more pleasant than they truly are. Not a single cloud is in the sky today, and there is no chance for precipiation. Temperatures are still cold, as the effects from the passing cold front are still present in the air. What is positive about today in addition to the sunny skies, is the change in wind direction that I had previously predicted. Winds are now coming from the south, making all this talk about warm weather coming more reasurring. There is also a warm front to the west of us, which may also play a role in the probable increase in temperatures.

As winds maintain a constant direction, coming from the south temperatures will slowly but surely rise starting tomorrow. More specifically winds are blowing from the south west, which will most likely drive that warm front to the west in our direction. Therefore, tropical continental air which is being brought up from the south will work in sync with a possible warm front causing temperatures to rise even more significantly. Things are looking up, as cold winter conditions seem to be moving behind us.  

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