Monday, April 20, 2015

Conditions Very Fitting For a Monday

Temperature: 43
Real Feel: 35
Wind: WNW 18 mph 
Precipitation: 0%
Humidity: 54%

Significant Drop In Temperature
Today's conditions are considerably miserable compared to last week. Temperatures have dropped significantly and cloud cover has also dramatically increased. Because the jet stream appears to be in a meridional flow, we are consequently stuck in a cold, low pressure trough. The cold front is bringing down and holding in cooler temperatures and the low pressure to the north is creating strong north western winds. Both of these factors are contributing to the much colder temperatures. In addition to the low pressure creating strong northern winds, it is also providing means for an increase in cloud cover. Aside from the light rain this morning, it does not seem that any more precipitation is likely for the rest of today despite the cloud cover and low pressure. Unless the wind direction shifts from north west to a more eastern direction and more water vapor becomes present I don't expect much more rain today.

Meridional Jet Stream - Creating Cold Low
Pressure Trough
Eau Claire Within Cold Low Pressure Trough
Dramatically Cooler Temperatures
North of Cold Front
Tomorrow will most likely remain cool and cloudy as long as the north western winds prevail due to the low pressure towards the north, keeping Eau Claire in that trough of the cold front. Until the cold front continues to move past, and low pressure dies out we are probably going to experience at least a couple more days of cold cloudy weather. Fortunately the air is considerably dry, and Eau Claire is not in the center of the low pressure so winds are more north western versus eastern winds, so chances of precipitation are fairly low - although it could happen.    
Low Pressure To The North Creating
Strong North West Winds


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