Monday, April 20, 2015

Friday, Saturday, Sunday Summary

The warm sunny weather we were experiencing last week fortunately pushed through for most of the weekend. Last Thursday I predicted the warmer sunny conditions to last at least another day, and lucky enough both Friday and Saturday were consistently pleasant. I did also predict that these beautiful conditions wouldn't last forever, and would soon die out after this weekend with respect to a change in pressure and oncoming cold front. I was right in my prediction considering warm sunny weather Saturday afternoon turned cold and rainy that night following into Sunday.

Friday was even more beautiful that the previous days last week. Because of consistent south winds and fairly high pressure still holding on Fridays conditions were beyond beautiful. The sky once again was clear and sunny with very few clouds, and temperatures reached a high of 76! In addition to clear warm weather, winds were very calm and there was no precipitation. Although Friday was beautiful, it was the turning point for a change in conditions as pressure was dropping and wind direction soon shifted to a north western direction.

Although not as warm and sunny as Friday, Saturday was considerably pleasant throughout majority of the day. The skies were not nearly as clear as the day before, but were still sunny with partly cloudy cirrus and altostratus cloud cover. Temperatures still reached a high of above 70, but felt much colder as the winds were much stronger than the day before. Not only was the wind stronger, but the direction once again shifted to the east indicating a much greater chance in precipitation with relation to the increased cloud cover. As the afternoon progressed into the evening, it began to rain, which lasted later into the night.

Saturday's conditions shifted more towards a cooler rainy pattern which then lasted into Sunday. Temperatures significantly decreased from Saturday to Sunday, and instead of reaching above 70, only reached a high of about 50 due to a more northern wind direction. In addition to cooler temperatures, thick stratus clouds covered the sky throughout all of the day. Because of the full overcast skies, and the north eastern wind direction light rain showers occurred on and off throughout most of the day. Even though I expected our beautiful conditions to come to an end, which they did Sunday, at least the greater part of the weekend held out.

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