Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Sunny Days!

Temperature: 7
Real Feel: -7
Wind: NW 8 mph
Precipitation: 0%
Humidity: 43%

I again predicted for slightly warmer temperatures today,  which I think is because I am overly anxious for warm weather. However, I was very wrong as temperatures have stayed consistently cold. I also mentioned that after the snowfall we received yesterday that lasted through late in the evening yesterday, we would not have any more precipitation in addition to this. 

Conditions today have been moderately nice considering the sun was shining for the greater part of the day today. There were only a few thin white puffy clouds floating throughout the sky, allowing the sun to shine bright and helping me forget about the cold temperatures. The clear sunny skies allowed for the temperatures to actually dropped, because of the lack of insulation that comes from the cloud cover. Although we got to experience the pleasantness of a bright and sunny day we also had to endure some cold temperatures. In addition to the cold temperatures, the wind blew primarily from the North west . Even though there weren't very strong winds, they felt surprising cold because of their direction.

For tomorrow I'm anticipating more cloud cover and stronger winds. Even though I think the winds will become much stronger I think they will yet again change direction and blow more from the south. This will hopefully make for some much warmer temperatures that I am so anxiously hoping for. However with the strength of the wind the actually feel of the temperature will feel much colder.

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