Monday, March 16, 2015

Gloomy Day! Maybe Some Rain?

Temperature: 62
Real Feel: 62
Wind: N 10 mph 
Precipitation: 20%
Humidity: 38%

US Current Surface Map
Stationary Front and Low Pressure
Today has been a dull gloomy day, likely because of the thick gray cloud cover. The clouds are a mix of mostly thick stratus clouds with some sporadic cumulus clouds. I have not noticed the sun shine through the clouds all day, but the on bright sight the temperatures are fairly warm. Even though the sun hasn't been out at all today, the air temperatures are somewhat pleasant. The wind is fairly mild coming from the north, which most likely means a decrease in temperatures. Although wind direction is from the north here, just to the south winds have a distinctly different south west direction. There is a stationary low pressure front in effect right now, which is causing a unique north wind from wind direction and south west from the other which are flowing into the low pressure area.

US Current Winds
Opposite Wind Patterns On Opposite
Sides of Stationary Front
Water Vapor Satellite Image
Plenty of Water Vapor for Some Rain
As I mentioned before the northern winds will bring in some slightly cooler air which will most likely decrease temperatures for tomorrow. In addition to a decrease in temperatures, conditions will likely consist of some stronger winds and a greater chance of precipitation for either tonight or tomorrow. I am expecting these wind patterns and precipitation considering the low pressure in the area.  

Chance of Rain!

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