Thursday, April 9, 2015

Can This Please Be the Last Day of Rain?

Temperature: 43
Real Feel: 37
Wind: NNE 10 mph 
Precipitation: 0%
Humidity: 76%

Unfortunately I was accurate in my predictions for today in regards to yet another cool rainy day. I took into consideration the stationary front, previously to the south, which had not appeared to move much in the past couple days. Because of that I knew we were in for another nasty day. I also predicted heavy rain for last night because of the massive amounts of water vapor and the consistent eastern winds. I noticed immediately this morning the wet ground and many puddles confirming my prediction to be true and that we were in store for some all too familiar conditions.

Cloud cover has been once again consistent with full stratus, possibly altostratus, cloud cover. In addition to the overcast skies, there was an occurrence of light rainfall this morning and it appears there is also a considerable chance for more rain later on. The winds are still coming in from the east because of the nearby low pressure and the air is still very moist which will most likely prompt another heavy rainfall sometime tonight. Temperatures are still fairly cool in that 40 degree range, because of the effects of the effects of that stationary front keeping cool air to the north. The stationary front is no longer in effect, and there is now a warm front in its place. Since we are still the north of it, temperatures have remained consistent. However, to the south of the warm front temperatures look very pleasant.

No More Stationary Front!
Hello Warm Front!
Beautiful Temperatures Below
Warm Front

Winds Circling Inward Around Low Pressure
Causing More East Winds For Wisconsin 
I am hopefully for a much needed change in conditions for tomorrow or soon after. Because that stationary front is now gone and the jet stream has shifted to a more matrilineal flow, I'm anticipating a change. I am hoping that warm front to the south will be move north and bring some warmer temperatures to Wisconsin. I am also hoping that the low pressure begins to die out after tomorrow allowing wind direction to shift, which cease end the eastern winds. If wind direction shifts I expect a west, possibly south west direction contributing to further increase in temperature. After this week rainy week, some much needed warm, sunny weather is on its way.   

Still All That Water Vapor Because
We Haven't Had Enough Rain 
Less Zonal Jet Stream -
Bring Up That Warm Front!


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