Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Same Old, Same Old

Temperature: 42
Real Feel: 35
Wind: E 12 mph 
Precipitation: 70%
Humidity: 76%

I was very accurate on all of my predictions for today. As I mentioned conditions for today would remain almost identical as yesterday because of a zonal jet stream in combination with a very slow moving stationary front to the south. I also predicted the strong possibility for rain to occur last night due to massive amounts of water vapor and north eastern winds. I woke up this morning to see a very wet ground indicating it did in fact rain.

That Stationary Front... Still There
Today's temperatures have remained around 40 degrees with consistent stratus overcast skies. There are still very evident eastern winds and with respect to the heavy cloud cover indicates the possibility for another heavy rainfall for tonight. The slow moving stationary front is still to the south and has made little progress moving towards the west. There are also several low pressure systems alongside the front, which are most likely causing that consist eastern wind direction.  

That Water Vapor!
Considering the very little progress that stationary front has made in the past 24 hours, I am once again predicting similar conditions for tomorrow. The stationary front will keep temperatures at that same cool 40 degrees. I am not only predicting rain for tonight but most likely heavy rain tomorrow as well considering the consistent east winds caused by slow moving low pressure, along with significant amounts of water vapor in the air yet. 

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