Thursday, April 16, 2015

Yet Another Gorgeous Day!

Temperature: 67
Real Feel: 67
Wind: SW 5 mph 
Precipitation: 0%
Humidity: 27%

I was accurate in predicting temperatures to remain in the upper 60s close to 70 degree range, because of consistent south winds bringing continental tropical air towards Wisconsin. I also predicted skies to be slightly more overcast than the previous days as the high pressure dies out. Fortunately, I was not accurate in my predictions and the sun is still shining next to fully blue skies.

Today is much like the last couple days in regards to bright sunny skies and warm temperatures. The skies are clear with very few cumulus clouds. Wind is calm, yet has maintained its southern direction contributing to further warmer weather. Luckily, the air is still fairly dry and with respect to current conditions, precipitation is highly unlikely for today. Despite our luck with beautiful weather it surely must end as a persistent cold front to the west is slowly but surely making its way toward Wisconsin.

Calm South Winds in Eau Claire
Strong Incoming Winds to the West
Dry Air - Meaning No Clouds
Or Rain
Although tomorrow is just as promising for continued warm sunny conditions, we cannot push our luck for too long as an oncoming cold front and low pressure makes its way toward Wisconsin. I am anticipating at least one more day for these beautiful conditions to last, however, when that cold front passes and low pressure is once again upon us conditions will change for the worse. Not only will an oncoming cold front decrease temperature, but low pressure in the area will likely shift wind direction ending our consistent southern winds. As low pressure ensues, wind direction will likely change to a north east direction contributing to a further drop in temperature. Not only will temperatures decrease but eastern winds and low pressure often indicated greater chances for precipitation. So, enjoy the sun now because I expect a cold rainy week following after the weekend.
Oncoming Cold Front and Low Pressure
May End Our Warm Streak!


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