Friday, April 3, 2015

Happy Friday........

Temperature: 39
Real Feel: 32
Wind: NNW 11 mph  
Precipitation: 20%
Humidity: 34%

I assume my home town of Wausau, Wisconsin is experiencing similar weather conditions as Eau Claire, therefore I can assume my predictions of a further decrease in temperature for today are accurate. As winds maintained a strong north west direction, cold continental polar air continued to cool the state of Wisconsin. In addition to the cold north west air, the cold front that passed through yesterday has continued to contributed to colder temperatures. I did not have further predictions for today aside from snow sometime in the near future that would occur only if chance of precipitation increases while temperature decreases. Snow today has not occurred, because of fairly dry air and pleasantly sunny skies.

Even More of Decrease in
Temperature Today
Today in Wausau has began with overcast skies and cool temperatures. This morning, the sky was fully covered with stratus, possibly altostratus, cloud cover. Temperatures this morning started out just above freezing and increased to a high around 40, which is considerably cold considering the temperatures from the past couple days. As the day progressed cloud cover slowly decreased and the overcast stratus sky turned into a partly cloudy cumulus sky cover. Winds are fairly strong coming from the northwest, which is contributing to rather cold temperature. As far as any precipitation, the decreased lack of cloud cover with relation to the north west winds and dry air give me reason to believe there is little to no chance for precipitation for today.

Low Pressure May Influence
Wisconsin - Possible Snow!
Tomorrow will most likely be similar to today. The wind direction will either contribute to further decrease in temperature or shift as low pressure to north moves toward us. If the low pressure makes its way towards the Wisconsin region, the high pressure air to the south will flow north shifting winds from north to south. If the winds shift, temperatures will slightly increase for tomorrow. In addition to the shift in winds for tomorrow the low pressure that may affect Wisconsin also has the possibility to increase the chance in precipitation and considering that temperatures, though I predict to increase, will not increase enough and there will be snow.

Low Pressure to South East
Provides Means for Storms


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