Temperature: 65
Real Feel: 65
Wind: NW 21 mph
Precipitation: 0%
Humidity: 16%
Based on the conditions from yesterday I predicted there would be a chance of thunderstorms last night, which in fact there were. I mentioned that the significant thickening of cloud cloud in relation to the northwestern winds and water vapor in the air, made for a significant possibility for storms. I also predicted a decrease in temperature for today because of the change in wind direction, now coming from the north west, with respect to the low pressure and storm that occurred yesterday. There is also a cold front that has just passed, which also has contributed to the slight drop in temperature. Although today's temperatures have decreased down to about a high of 65, it is not too far off from yesterdays 70 some degree weather.
14 Degree Drop in Temperature |
Extremely Strong North West Winds |
For tomorrow, I expect even more of a decrease in temperature as long as winds maintain their north western direction and as the cold front will continue to impact the Eau Claire area. There also appears to be another low pressure system to the north of us, which may cause the chance for some more rainy weather in the next couple of day. To make matters worse, if temperatures continue to drop that chance for rain may possibly turn into a chance of more snow.
Recent Passing Cold Front and Low Pressure to the North |
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