Tuesday, April 14, 2015

It Can't Get Much Better Than This

Temperature: 66
Real Feel: 66
Wind: SE 5 mph 
Precipitation: 0%
Humidity: 16%

Like I mentioned yesterday, I expected another warm sunny today. I was accurate in predicting a shift in wind direction due to movement of certain high pressure areas. The high pressure did not flow as far south as I thought, but there is a great area over the central part of the country, Including Wisconsin,  that has been experiencing high pressure. Because of the increase in pressure conditions are pleasantly calm and clear, and winds have shifted to the south further warming the area as I previously anticipated.

Warm Temperatures, Expect For Areas
Effected by a Cold Front
Today was an absolutely gorgeous spring day. The skies were clear without any clouds as far as I could tell and because of the significant amounts of high pressure that has moved over Wisconsin not only were skies clear, winds have been extremely calm. Even though the winds were hardly noticeable, they maintained a southern wind pattern throughout today contributing to the increase in temperature, which reach over 70 degrees. Overall today was beautiful as conditions have been consistently warm and sunny. However, other parts of the country did not experience the same beautiful weather we did in Wisconsin today. As the high pressure allowed for calm clear skies here, it created a strong flow of wind rushing into the low pressure areas to the western part of the country. In addition to the strong winds to the west, there are other areas experiencing rather cool temperatures as a cold front has past through. To the south east there are strong chances of storms below the stationary front, where low pressure areas and high amounts of water vapor are providing means for large amounts of precipitation. Fortunately, Wisconsin is far away from those conditions, and most likely will be for the next couple of days

High Pressure Creating Beautiful Condition -
Low Pressure Areas, Not So Lucky..
Strong Winds Low Pressure
Areas in the West
Large Amounts of Water Vapor
In South East - Possible Storms
Strong Chance of Precipitation By Low
Pressure Areas

As the high pressure stays strong I expect clear calm conditions to remain for the next couple of days. With calm clear skies and southern winds conditions will stay consistently pleasant with beautifully warm temperatures. In the next few days after the high pressure dies out and surrounding low pressure takes over, conditions may change in regards to stronger winds and larger chances of precipitation. As of right  now, enjoy the spring weather!


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