Monday, April 13, 2015


Temperature: 58
Real Feel: 58
Wind: WNW 20 mph 
Precipitation: 0%
Humidity: 29%
Noticeable Decrease In
Temperature for Today
Today Is slightly cooler than this past weekend, however temperatures are still fairly pleasant. Even though today's temperature will not likely increase above 70 as they did yesterday, 60 degrees is still considerably nice for spring in Wisconsin. The slight decrease in temperature for today is most likely due to a cold front that has moved over Wisconsin. In addition to the cold front, High pressure areas to the west have shifted winds to a north western direction, bringing in slightly cooler air. Skies are partly sunny, with the presence of many large cumulus clouds. There does not appear to much chance for precipitation today considering the north west wind direction and the lack of water vapor in the air. However warmer areas to the south east side of the cold front have significant amounts of water vapor in the air providing fuel for heavy precipitation today.
Passing Cold Front and High Pressure
Causing North West Winds
Dry Air in Wisconsin, Yet Very Moist
Air Opposite Side of Cold Front

Lots of Rain South East of Cold Front
In Areas With Moist Air
Tomorrow I expect another fairly pleasant day with sunny skies and possibly warmer temperatures. As The high pressure makes its way south to the low pressure areas, the wind direction is likely to shift to a southern direction here in Wisconsin causing an increases in temperature. Because of the lack of water vapor, significant cloud cover and precipitation is not likely for tomorrow, so I am anticipating fairly sunny skies. Aside from those predictions I am not certain of any of changes in conditions for tomorrow.   

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