Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Not As Nice.. But I'll Take It

Temperature: 65
Real Feel: 65
Wind: SE 16 mph 
Precipitation: 0%
Humidity: 18%

Because of the high pressure we were experiencing yesterday I predicted conditions would stay consistently clear and calm. Conditions are similar to yesterday, as I expected, however the skies are not as clear as I anticipated and the wind has seemed to pick up. Although not as clear and clam as yesterday, temperatures are still pleasantly warm making for another nice day.

Because the high pressure has begun to die out in Wisconsin as it has made its way towards surrounding low pressure areas, conditions are slightly less beautiful than they were yesterday. Skies are primarily overcast with what look like cirrostratus clouds and the wind, although still coming in from the south has picked up and shifted to a more south eastern direction. Wind direction has changed, as it looks like the high pressure that was over us yesterday has moved north east and is flowing to westward low pressure areas. Despite the partly cloudy skies and stronger winds, temperatures are still reaching the upper 60s. In addition to warm temperatures providing means for another nice day, precipitation does not seem likely because the air is still fairly dry.

High Pressure Has Moved North
Contributing to South Eastern Winds
South East Winds in Wisconsin as
High Pressure Flows to Western Low Pressure
Despite Eastern Wind Direction
Air Is Too Dry For Rain
I expect as the high pressure, which has provided means for beautiful weather, dies out and low pressure makes its way towards Wisconsin these nice weather will die out with it. I expect tomorrow to maintain similar temperatures as today, because of the consistent south wind direction however with a decrease in pressure there will likely be an increase in cloud cover. So even though, temperatures may remain warm the sunny skies will probably not last.


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