Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Soon to Be Rainy Day

Temperature: 42
Real Feel: 34
Wind: ENE 20 mph 
Precipitation: 0%
Humidity: 42%

I predicted conditions to remain unchanged from yesterday until today. The jet stream, which is has maintained a zonal flow has prevented any dramatic changes in conditions and contributing to the very slow movement of the stationary front to the south of Wisconsin. The slow moving stationary front has prevented any dramatic change in temperatures, keeping fairly cool temperatures above it and warm temperatures below it. This has contributed to the consistently cool temperatures of around 40 degrees. The only change in conditions I had mentioned yesterday, was the chance for rainfall sometime last night into this morning, which did not actually happen. Today however, with similar conditions, chance for rain later tonight is much greater.

Zonal Jet Stream
Slow Moving Stationary Front Due to Zonal Jet Stream
Keeps Temperatures consistent. 
Today has been consistent with stratus overcast cloud cover and cool 40 degree temperatures. Wind is has maintained a north eastern direction from yesterday, but is slightly stronger. High pressure systems towards the north east are flowing towards low pressure to the south west, causing some fairly strong north eastern winds. With respect to the overcast skies in relation to the fairly strong north eastern winds, the chance for precipitation tonight is extremely likely. Not only is there a significant chance for rainfall to occur sometime tonight, the great amount of water vapor in the air near our area will contribute to fairly heavy precipitation.

Consistent Cool Temperatures North of Front -
Consistent Warm Temperatures to South
Significant Amount of Water Vapor -
Fuel For Heavy Rain
Current Radar Shows Chance For Rain
I am still anticipating similar conditions to last for the next day or so. Because of the zonal jet stream flow and a very slow moving stationary front temperatures will remain fairly consistent. In addition to this consistent conditions winds will most likely maintain a north eastern direction possibly providing the means for even more precipitation in the next couple days, aside from possible rainfall tonight.


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