Tuesday, May 5, 2015

A Little More Rain?

Temperature: 67
Real Feel: 67
Wind: SSE 12 mph 
Precipitation: 0%
Humidity: 31%

Today started out similar to the way the several started out. The morning was clear and lasted that way throughout much of the day. Though not as warm as the previous weekend, temperatures were around that familiar 70 degrees we've been experiencing the last couple weeks. A warm front moving northward has allowed for extremely warm temperatures toward to south of Wisconsin. Wind direction shifted yet again and is now in a primarily south east direction. The south east winds are being caused by a high pressure system directly to the east which is allowing air to flow outward in a clockwise direction toward the low pressure areas to the west and south west. Those low pressure areas, primarily to the north of the warm front, are experiencing strong chances for precipitation. Although winds are not very strong here, the direction in combination with the significant amount of stratus cloud cover that accumulated this afternoon indicates possible of rain for us as well. Furthermore there is considerable amounts of water vapor in the air which contributes to an even greater chance for rain.
Northbound War Front and High Pressure
to the East - South East Winds
Warm Temperatures Below Warm Front
Moist Air Means Fuel For Rain

Large Areas of Precipitation Near Low Pressure Areas
Some Making Its Way Toward Wisconsin
Tomorrow will likely continue to warm considering a warm front appears to be making its way north. In addition to the possibility of a warm front increasing temperatures, Wisconsin is within a jet stream trough allowing tropical air to influence the temperatures. Not only will tomorrow likely be another hot day, but there is a possibility for more rain or even storms. If south east winds prevail fueling in water vapor from the maritime tropical air mass, there is significant means for a storm along the edge of the warm front when it moves north toward the area.
Meridional Jet Stream Trapping Wisconsin
Warm Trough

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