Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Not Finals Week Yet, But It Feels That Way

Why the two weeks before finals in all reality are more stressful than finals themselves, I have no idea. But whatever the reason is has prevented me to regain any sort of motivation to discuss the weather after all my other obligations. I never wanted to have to admit it, but I have fallen behind, and in best best effort will attempt to recap the days that I have missed.

From what I do remember on Friday, the day was fairly pleasant with mostly sunny skies throughout much of the morning into later afternoon when cloud covered began to thicken into full overcast. Despite only sunny skies for half of the day, there was a high temperature just around 70 degrees without any rain. Although beginning to drop, the high pressure that was still slightly in effect, allowed for fairly calm winds. In addition to being calm winds were primarily from the south which contributed to an even warmer Saturday.

Because of the steady southern winds that prevailed Friday into Saturday, temperatures had further increased by almost 10 degrees. Because temperatures increased significantly from the day before other factors, possibly  maintaining a position within a jet stream ridge, had influenced the 80 degree whether. Not only was the temperature extremely warm and enjoyable, but skies were considerably clear throughout most of the day. In addition to hot and sunny conditions, there was no precipitation at any point during the day allowing me to become overly anxious for summer. The following day however, was not as beautiful. As I remember seeing prior to the weekend, a cold front was making its way east toward us, which would soon contrast with the extremely warm and fairly moist air.

Sunday's conditions started out fairly similar to Saturday, as it was still extremely warm reaching up to almost 80 again and very clear. South winds were still consistent, but shifted to a more south west direction. Conditions remained clear and sunny for the greater part of the day however, the effects of contrasting air masses were beginning to take place Sunday evening. Cloud cover began to form fairly rapidly and it was very apparent clouds were gaining rapid vertical growth. Within the next hour after the formation and continual vertical growth into cumulonimbus clouds, the sky became extremely dark, and thunder soon followed. Within a short time after that lightening began and a few heavy raindrops started to fall, which was then followed by an extreme downpour and heavy winds. Despite the south west wind direction which allowed for the possibility of further storm development due to downdraft, the fairly mild storm died out within an hour.

After the storm Sunday, temperatures cooled down significantly for Monday. Temperatures decreased about 10 degrees, down to a high of 70. Skies were clear for most all of the day with no rain, yet it was fairly windy. In addition to being fairly strong, winds shifted away from their south west direction to a north west direction most likely contributing to the drop in temperature. Despite the decrease in temperature as much as I love the sunny 80 degree summer weather, Spring is here in Wisconsin in May which is sometimes too much to ask for.      

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